Madame Magar

“Seed to Stitch” Dresses, Accessories & Textile Art

Madame Magar Vision

Madame Magar is A textile design studio inspired by art,nature,folkways,and history. The studio embraces a “seed to stitch “ design philosophy that explores the history of place; a rich yet tangled past; while living and working on a former indigo plantation. The “seed to stitch” vision is inspired by South Carolina’s Indigo story. The story of Eliza Lucas Pinckney; who as a young girl in the 1740’s had the vision to grow indigo; Indigofera suffruticosa with the hard work and knowledge of the enslaved made South Carolina indigo a success. The “seed to stitch'‘ project interweaves design and nature by growing Indigofera Suffruticosa and other dye plants and respectfully harvesting wild indigo, discovered on a walk in the studio woods; and other wild dye plants to use mindfully in the one of a kind collections. Dresses, accessories and textile art (created from dress scrap cloth), are hand-dyed and hand-stitched. The work includes exhibits, installations (makeshift studios and shops), performances, and classses, (for private individuals and groups). Madame Magar is also inspired by a grandma and great aunt who cooked from their gardens and quilted; utilizing homespun traditional and simple sewing techniques; interlaced with contemporary, outside the box, thought provoking methodologies.